Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Writing: Not Just For Myself

A couple of days ago I began questioning my writing process. I considered discontinuing writing for the blog entirely. I really like blogging and do not want to give it up. I have written fact based articles and also personal stories in Breathe. I feel like I have shared quite a bit of both what I know and who I am at this point. I have written over 60 articles after all.

I now believe that reflecting on my day to day experiences in recovery will give the reader an inkling of how human I am. As opposed to the personal stories I've shared so far that have been intended to inspire my readers. I think sharing these day to day experiences will allow the reader to be able to identify with the content of Breathe. I hope that this will be mutually beneficial both to me and my audience.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading your blog. I have an rss feed into my iGoogle account so I see every time you post, although I don't read them every time. I think it might be a little better to give some time in between posts so that you can make sure they are of your highest quality. You could write a rough draft and work on it, then come back the next day and make any changes you'd like before posting. I think this would make the process even more fulfilling. It is important to share your experiences and you should do it often. But don't let that get in the way of continuing your research into the process of recovery. I would like to see some links to other blogs you read and links to the sites where you get your research when applicable.
